Thursday, April 26, 2012

Village Books

I am excited about the official release of "Help! I'm In The Band!" in July. An author presentation is being looked at for Village Books (Fairhaven) in Bellingham during July. Hoping to make it one big party!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Ideas

I have been coming up with many new scenarios for book two. It just amazes me how many ideas just pop up from everyday least in the life of a teacher. Even though education is of paramount importance in my classroom, the space I teach in sometimes becomes the laboratory for the growth of new ideas. There is no better place to find new concepts and unimagined experiences than in the middle school classroom...especially the "band" room.

For example, my intermediate band was learning a style of music called the tango. Of course, I had to demonstrate the tango while they were playing the piece. Instantly, one of my clarinet players pops out of his chair and wants to tango, too. That made think of ways to keep kids in their seats. I came up with
contact cement
super glue
bungie cords
duct tape.

Instant material for a chapter!

Maybe I missed a better way of securing said student? If you think of one, feel free to comment. Please leave out any dangerous ones :).

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The business of publishing

So the book has grossed almost $1,000 and I figure I'm only in the red about $150 after advertising. Who would have figured? All-in-all, some of the people in the business are telling me this is actually a good start. I guess we'll see. I think making a Parachutes Adams fly for fresh water casting might be easier. Or even making a goose call out of a clarinet mouthpiece. I'm hoping the book will pick up in July or else I'll just head to my favorite fishing holes.
